bull in a china shop
1. 鲁莽闯祸的人
She accidentally broke our coffee pot, she really is like a bull in a china shop.
她不小心把我们的咖啡壶打破了, 她真是个毛手毛脚的闯祸人。
take the bull by the horns
1. 不畏艰险
A successful businessman always takes the bull by the horns.
一位成功的生意人总是不畏艰难, 勇敢地面对问题。
I needed more money and so I decided to take the bull by the horns and ask my boss for more pay.
我需要更多的钱, 因而不畏艰难去向老板要求增加工资。
习惯用语a bull in a china shop1.■闯进瓷器店的公牛; 鲁莽闯祸的人brazen bull1.■【史】"铜牛"(将人关到里面活炙的刑具)like a bull at a (five-barred) gate1.■猛烈地; 狂怒地; 凶猛地milk the bull [ram]1.■挤公牛的奶汁; 缘木求鱼; 做徒劳无功的事percentage bull1.■[美俚]拿抽头的警察roar like a town bull1.■大声吼叫shoot the bull1.■瞎扯2.■聊天3.■撒谎; 吹牛皮; 拍马屁throw the bull1.■瞎扯2.■聊天3.■撒谎; 吹牛皮; 拍马屁sling the bull1.■[俚]吹牛; 夸张throw the bull1.■[俚]吹牛; 夸张sweat like a bull1.■出汗很多take the bull by the horns1.■不畏艰难; 冒险; 毅然处理难局trust as far as one can fling a bull by the tail1.■完全不信任bull into1.■[俗]急切从事bull of Bashan1.■大嗓门的人; 面色红润的壮汉(来自《圣经》; Bashan 为约旦河以东的沃土, 古代以产壮牛著名)bull through1.■挤过