a commercial business 公司,商号 a shipping company. 航运公司。 [in names]the Ford Motor Company. 福特汽车公司。 [as modifier]a company director. 公司董事。
[mass noun]the fact or condition of being with another or others, especially in a way that provides friendship and enjoyment 陪伴,伴随;交往 I could do with some company. 陪我一会儿就行了。 ■a person or people seen as a source of a specified kind of such friendship and enjoyment 同伴(们);朋友(们) she is excellent company. 她是个很好的朋友。 ■the person or group of people whose society someone is currently sharing (目前的)同伴,交际者,交际聚会者;会友,社友 he was silent among such distinguished company. 在这样著名的一群人中,他保持沉默。 ■a visiting person or group of people 客人(们),来访者(们) I'm expecting company. 我将有客人来访。
a number of individuals gathered together, especially for a particular purpose (尤指为某一目的聚集起来的)一群人 the Mayor addressed the assembled company. 市长向聚集的人群发表了演说。 ■a body of soldiers, especially the smallest subdivision of an infantry battalion, typically commanded by a major or captain (部队的)连,连队 B Company of the Cheshire Regiment. 柴郡步兵团的第二连。 ■a group of actors, singers, or dancers who perform together 剧团;歌唱团;舞蹈团 a national opera company. 国家歌剧团。 ■(Brit.)a group of Guides (英)女童子军大队
(-ies, -ied)
[no obj.](company with)(poetic/literary)associate with; keep company with (诗/文)结交;交往 these men which have companied with us all this time. 这段时间一直和我们在一起的这些人。 ■[with obj.](archaic)accompany (someone) (古)陪伴 the fair dame, companied by Statius and myself. 我和斯塔提乌斯陪伴的这位美丽的女爵士。
常用词组 and company
used after a person's name to denote those people usually associated with them [用于人名后表示与之交往的人或与之有来往的人]
be in good company
be in the same situation as someone important or respected 和…一样重要;像…一样受尊敬
in company
with another person or a group of people 一同,一起 he feels at ease in company. 他和别人在一起时毫不拘束。
in company with
together with 与…一起 the US dollar went through a bad patch in 1986, in company with the oil market. 1986年,美元和石油行情一起大跌。
keep (或 古 bear) someone company
accompany or spend time with someone in order to prevent them feeling lonely or bored 陪伴某人;使某人不感孤独(或无聊) ■engage in the same activity as someone else in order to be sociable 陪…参加(以示友好) I'll have a drink myself, just to keep you company. 我也喝一杯,只是为了陪你。
keep company with
associate with habitually 与…亲密交往;与…形影不离 she began keeping company with a real estate developer. 她开始与一个房地产开发商亲密交往。
part company
见 part
Middle English (in senses 2 and 3 ): from Old French compainie; related to compaignon (see companion)