the main stand, usually roofed, commanding the best view for spectators at racecourses or sports grounds (赛马场,运动场的)大看台(通常有屋顶,为视野最好之地) ■[as modifier](of a view) seen from an advantageous position, as if from a grandstand 从有利位置(如大看台上)看的(风景) our balcony gave us a grandstand view of the arena. 从我们的阳台上可以俯瞰竞技场全景。
[no obj.][usu. as noun grandstanding](derogatory)seek to attract applause or favourable attention from spectators or the media (贬)哗众取宠,讨好观众(或媒体) they accused him of political grandstanding. 他们指责他做哗众取宠的政治表演。