of the same kind; alike 同种的;相似的 if all jobs and workers were homogeneous. 如果所有的工作和工人都相似。 ■consisting of parts all of the same kind 由同种组成的 a homogeneous society. 由同一种族组成的社会。 ■(Mathematics)containing terms all of the same degree (数)齐性的,齐次的
(Chemistry)denoting a process involving substances in the same phase (solid, liquid, or gaseous) (化)同形态(固态、液态或气态)的 homogeneous catalysis. 同形态催化。
early 17th cent. (as homogeneity): from medieval Latin homogeneus, from Greek homogenēs, from homos 'same' + genos 'race, kind'
The correct spelling is homogeneous but a common misspelling is homogenous. The reason for the error probably relates to the pronunciation, in which the e is often missed out, but it may also have arisen through confusion with other words such as homogenize