

1. Prior to 1870, the pope's temporal authority extended over a large area of central Italy, the territory of the Papal States that was formally known as the "Patrimony of St Peter".


2. Declared Patrimony of Humanity in 1993 by UNESCO.


3. They shall have like portions to eat, beside that which cometh of the sale of his patrimony.


4. "We give today to the National Institute of Culture a group of objects which belong to the cultural patrimony of all Peruvians.


5. "But," said the notary, "you are aware that the law does not allow a son to be entirely deprived of his patrimony?"


6. In the Jubilee year, the field shall return to the seller, to the man to whose patrimony the land belongs.


7. Res extra nostrum patrimoni


8. impossible, his patrimony, give away to you, be: want to him half, and also is,


9. hereditary property; patrimony


10. Chinese art dealer Cai Mingchao submitted the massive bid to protest the sale of the heads, which many Chinese see as unfairly torn from their cultural patrimony.


11. In the United States there was once a teleplay which told a story of a millionaire who left his offsprings with a patrimony so huge that it could never be used up.


12. He had received from them a liberal education, and from his father a small patrimony, which he had soon exhausted.


13. He had received from them a liberal education, and from his father a small patrimony, which he had soon exhausted


14. It is their cultural patrimony, they say.


15. His grandfather left the patrimony to him.


16. They shall have like portions to eat, besides that which cometh of the sale of his patrimony.


17. What are we doing?Bouvines belongs to us as well as Marengo.The fleurs-de-lys are ours as well as the N's.That is our patrimony.


18. Like Pulcini and Berman, Fitzgerald is in part ironic, poking fun at America's determination to remain the biggest kid on the block even in an age of downgraded vision or beggared patrimony.


19. Minister of Agriculture and Natural Patrimony: Marc Moles


20. By 1185, however, Henry had given up any idea of prising Richard from his patrimony, and was more concerned with Ireland.


21. When the family patrimony is to be partitioned the spouses divide up an amount of money rather than their actual pr ...

加拿大魁北克省分居离婚时家庭财产的界定 What is included in the family patrimony?

22. The historic garden is one of the features of the patrimony whose survival, by reason of its nature, requires intensive, continuous care by trained experts.


23. historic patrimony


24. Recoverable pecuniary damage is a diminution of the victim's patrimony caused by the damaging event.


25. As the essay makes a very strong case for the UBI and its feasibility, I will limit my comments to just two issues: (1) why a UBI (or patrimony) would be just;


26. national patrimony


27. In a chapter called “Whose culture is it, anyway?” Mr Appiah lays bare the illogicality of many cultural patrimony claims.


28. I myself will be their patrimony.


29. 15. Most wealthy people are descended from wealthy parents, which means they have a lot of patrimony to lose by cutting back on the fawning.


30. If the son demands his patrimony and gives up food and drink in order to enforce his demand, then the parents hand his share over to him three years before the legal time.


31. It was there that my father, ruined by the revolution, and M. Danglars, who never had possessed any patrimony, both laid the foundations of their different fortunes."


32. A YOUNG MAN, a great spendthrift, had run through all his patrimony and had but one good cloak left.


33. To establish such a patrimony is equivalent to recognizing shared ownership of a significant fraction of the resources, physical and intellectual, that enable the society to produce what it produces.


34. There is now a drive for changing the Constitution and removing provisions that protect the national patrimony and economy.


35. We reaffirm our commitment to protect Iraq's natural resources, as the patrimony of the people of Iraq, which should be used only for their benefit.


36. The impossible reason:Produce for the sake of the protectorate patrimony, I together crime member conflict a day.


37. The impossible reason:Produce for the sake of the protectorate patrimony, I together crime member conflict a day!


38. Ike learns the monstrous crimes of his eminent family, so he relinquishes his patrimony;


39. There are three major parts in this paper: Chapter 1: The author discusses the relationship between conservation of historic patrimony and regeneration of historic sites.


40. This accident, depending primarily on the skill and virtue of the parties, of which there is every degree, and secondarily on patrimony, falls unequally, and its rights of course are unequal.


41. Now is one patrimony through the reporter of news agency, don't acquaint with similarly of realm,either.


42. They are born without moral patrimony,


43. They maintained a superior legal position and imposed traditional notions of patrimony.


44. The whites displaced the Indians by force of arms, got their patrimony by fraudulent treaties.


45. patrimony n.


46. Spain is a major tourist site due to its profoundly effort in preserving its patrimony.It has taken painstaking efforts to preserve its patrimony, which is the reason that attracts tourism.


47. If passed in its current form, it will allow Iraq's weak, American-backed government to flog the national patrimony on the cheap, by signing unduly generous contracts with foreign oil firms.


48. As late as the time of Gaius, the familia, id est patrimonium (family, that is, the patrimony, the inheritance) was bequeathed by will.

还在盖尤斯时代,familia,id est patrimonium(家庭,即遗产),就是按遗嘱传授的。

49. The plaza, or zocalo, has been designated "patrimony of humanity" by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO.


50. This farm is part of my patrimony.


51. The entire world is given to us, and all our powers have their final meaning in the faith that by their help we are to take possession of our patrimony.


52. AMERICO CASTILLA (Patrimony and Museums at the Secretary of Culture, Argentina)

