a public room or building used for a specified purpose (作特殊用途的公共)厅;室 a billiard saloon. 弹子房,台球房。 ■(亦作 saloon bar)(Brit.). another term for lounge bar (英)。 同 lounge bar ■(N. Amer. historical or humorous)a place where alcoholic drinks may be bought and drunk (北美,史或幽默)酒馆 ■a large public room for use as a lounge on a ship (轮船上的)交谊厅 ■(亦作saloon car)(Brit.)a luxurious railway carriage used as a lounge or restaurant or as private accommodation (英)(火车的)特等车厢 a dining saloon. 餐车。
(亦作saloon car)(Brit.)a motor car having a closed body and a closed boot separated from the part in which the driver and passengers sit (英)(司机、乘客与车厢、行李箱隔开的)箱式小客车
early 18th cent. (in the sense 'drawing room'): from French salon, from Italian salone 'large hall', augmentative of sala 'hall'